CPQ Features

How to modify Quote Line Editor UI in Salesforce CPQ?

Every business is different. Therefore the way how the Sales People operate in those businesses is different as well. Of course there are some common elements. But the need to adjust the Quote Line Editor (QLE) in Salesforce CPQ is there and the implementation Partner has to respond to that.

So how can we change the user interface of the Quote Line Editor?

Problem & Solution

Calculation error on quote Q-00161: “UNAUTHORIZED”

The Problem

I guess that since you are reading this article you’re looking for the solution for the error in the title of the post: Calculation error on quote Q-00161: “UNAUTHORIZED”.

Error message on the Quote Details page
Best Practices CPQ Features

QCP (Quote Calculator Plugin) – great video from Salesforce


I just wanted to point you to a great introduction to a Quote Calculator Plugin (QCP). Here’s a video from Salesforce walking you through the use cases and showing an example how to implement one

Enjoy watching!

Problem & Solution

Subscription End Date not aligned to Quote Line End Date

The Problem

The Start Date and End Date of your Contract or Subscription records are not aligned (not equal) to the Start Date and End Date of your Quote or Quote Line.

Example, your quote may look like this

Start DateEnd Date
Quote Line 109.02.202131.12.2021
Example of a Quote Line with specific Start and End dates.

And your subscription looks like this:

Start DateEnd Date
Subscription 109.02.202108.02.2022
Example of a Subscription with specific Start and End dates, which are not aligned to the Quote Line.

And that’s how you want to have your Subscription

Start DateEnd Date
Subscription 109.02.202131.12.2021
The target result of a Subscription Start and End dates, aligned to the Quote Line.

There is a way how to solve that.

Best Practices CPQ Projects

CPQ Deployment process discovery checklist

When you come new to the Salesforce CPQ implementation project or when you are a part of a big programme, where many streams are working together, deployment become quite a big activity with many items to handle. The list in this article should help you to understand what areas of the current project or org setup needs to be checked. That’s not the whole list, but a good starting point for you to rock the deployment process in your project!

Best Practices

Salesforce CPQ Calculation Sequence

Price Calculation in Salesforce CPQ can be configured in so many ways! And that is great, because the product can fit into many requirements. However, due to the flexibility demanded, the whole calculation sequence is quite a complex series of operations.

CPQ Features

Salesforce CPQ APEX APIs – control the CPQ process from your APEX code

Salesforce CPQ provides a set of prebuilt API, that you can call from your code, to automate certain CPQ related processes. The chances are pretty low that you are ever going to need this feature, however, in case you do, you would be able to. Read this post, to have a high level overview of what the available APIs can hep you with and what you can achieve with that.

CPQ Features

How to collapse/expand a bundle in Salesforce CPQ QLE?

In the Spring 20 release, Salesforce introduced an option to drive the bundle presentation behaviour in the Quote Line Editor (QLE). Before that, a bundle of products was always expanded. That possibly does not fit quite a few businesses. Now, Salesforce Admins can drive the behaviour.


Revenue Cloud = Salesforce CPQ + Saleforce Billing

Salesforce just announced that they start to offer new cloud: the Revenue Cloud. The Revenue Cloud is built on top of CPQ and Billing products.

You can read the details here.

CPQ Features

How to get access to a free Salesforce CPQ org?

Salesforce provides access to free developer orgs, in order to support people in learning new skills, practice and get better at Salesforce org configuration and management. Thanks to that, you can sign up and get access to a Salesforce developer org, with Salesforce CPQ installed.