Best Practices CPQ Features

QCP (Quote Calculator Plugin) – great video from Salesforce


I just wanted to point you to a great introduction to a Quote Calculator Plugin (QCP). Here’s a video from Salesforce walking you through the use cases and showing an example how to implement one

Enjoy watching!

Best Practices

Apex Log Analyzer VSC Plugin

Those who work with Apex logs know, that this is not an easy task. Having Salesforce CPQ and Salesforce Billing on top of the standard cloud (well, really having any managed package with logs) makes the log review process even more complex, as we get tonnes of logs from the managed packages, that even though they are not readable for us, they just exist in the log file as you scroll through. However, just recently Financial Force released a plugin for Visual Studio Code to help analyse the logs.

CPQ Features

What plugins can I create, to extend Salesforce CPQ functionalities?

Why to use plugins?

Salesforce CPQ is a powerful tool where without writing a single line of code, you are able to provide your Sales People a solution making their life easier, to make your sales activities traceable and to make sales cycle shorter.

But there are cases, when the OOTB features are just not enough… And the requirements from the business are so complex or so unique that OOTB just cannot do. So what then? Call CPQ Plugins to the rescue!

CPQ Features

Customise Salesforce CPQ Configurator

Quite often standard product can only meet certain requirements for your business. And despite the fact that Salesforce CPQ is a very powerful and easily configurable tool, you sometimes just have to extend its Out Of The Box features by providing custom plugins.